"Working for a BETTER World"

"Since 2009 we have been committed to making our Environment a better place for the next generations".

About us

We’re a highly specialised team with expertise in 
Recycled and Environmental outcomes for plastics.
We’re passionate about the well-being of our planet and are dedicated to seeking environmentally friendly solutions to plastic waste. 
We also have platforms that take waste plastics and RE-LIFE them into resins that are used to make the same product over and over.  

Make a difference

At RE-LIFE FOR PLASTICS INT'L PTY LTD, we have chosen to reduce the harm we have on our environment - and you can too. Each time you use our 100% safe products, you are reducing your impact on the soil, waterways and animals. 

Take matters into your own hands and make the switch today.
View of green leaves

Will you come on the journey

with us?

There are many positions people and organizations can take to improve our environment for the generations that follow.

Opportunities exist for Partners, Customers, Interested environmental groups, Suppliers and Investors, to come on a very exciting journey.

Learn more about the opportunities. 
Just email us:    info@relife4plastic.net  -   or  -   go to our CONTACT tab

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